I have a question regarding the update policy for the Salient theme. I initially purchased the theme as a one time buy now option, and I wanted to clarify whether it is necessary to buy the theme every year to continue receiving updates. Alternatively, is it possible to update the theme with a one-time purchase of the current version without the need for an annual purchase?
I have a question regarding the update policy for the Salient theme. I initially purchased the theme as a one time buy now option, and I wanted to clarify whether it is necessary to buy the theme every year to continue receiving updates. Alternatively, is it possible to update the theme with a one-time purchase of the current version without the need for an annual purchase?
Hey zombiebytes ,
All updates are Lifetime so you dont need to purchase another license if you have one setup using the Envato Market plugin.
Here's the documentation on the available methods for updating Salient: http://themenectar.com/docs/salient/updating-salient/#methods
To get a list of Bug Fixes and new Feature addons in the Latest Theme updates view change log here http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .
ThemeNectar Support Team
So if I redownload the files in my Themeforest dashboard and re-upload them to my WordPress website, will the theme update?
Hey Again,
Yes, that is one way to update it.
ThemeNectar Support Team