  Public Ticket #354353
Erase the portfolio default style by mistake”


  • Candice started the conversation

    May be my previous question was not clear, that\'s why i try to ask it again. So I want to create a new portfolio like my "Nos TV productions" (as you can see on my picture) but it is not possible because it doesn\'t exist anymore in my Page Menu.

    The thing is when i click on "Nos productions" for exemple, it is a 404 not found because the URL of the Portfolio doesn\'t exist anymore.


    Do I have to do as you said, create a NEW page and paste this code ? Because when i do that, i can not find the same permalink as yours as it doesn\'t exist anymore.

    Sorry to disturb you so much,

    kind regards


  • Candice replied

    The first thing is i don't want this url anymore (portofolio big fetival) because it is a mistake, so i need to create a new portfolio default page but as i said previously, i can not get access to it in my menu, it has been erased !

    The second thing is I just want  http://www.black-office.com/portofolio-big-fetival... with all the relative portfolios inside (émission de musique, émission de sport...).

    May be if you can check directly in my backoffice menu to see what i mean because it's difficult to well explain.

    Many thanks again


  • Candice replied

    May be could you tell me which file do i have to reinstall to get the portfolio default style ?

  •  9,099
    Tahir replied


    Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user only.. 

    ThemeNectar Support Team