  Public Ticket #3551127
User Account


  • robvoid started the conversation

    How do I set up a "user account page"? Such as a Sign in portal and a user backend within my theme? (I know how to enable a button in my header, but I need a page for that URL to go to)

    I plan on selling products on my site and would like the user to find all their purchases and account information within their profile. 

    Any help or resources are appreciated, thanks! 

  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi there,

    Thanks for writing to us.

    This article provides a guide to help you create an account page: https://toolset.com/course-lesson/creating-a-my-account-page/

    If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, don't hesitate to write back, I'm happy to help. 

  • robvoid replied

    Hi Judith, Thank you for your help! I have a question - Do you know of any free alternatives for this? The one you linked starts at €69. 

    Thank you! 

  •  9,059
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    If you intend to use Woocommerce to sell your products than you can use these options: https://woo.com/document/the-my-account-page/ 


    ThemeNectar Support Team