  Public Ticket #3568926
Hiding Post Header // Single Post


  •  4
    mtmllc started the conversation

    I feel like this is very basic; and I'm VERY sorry for asking; but if I wanted to fully hide the header on a specific blog post, how would I go about doing this?

    I still want navigation; I just want the header section [ title of post, author, tags, etc ] to not appear present.

    Is this possible on a specific post?

  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi Brett,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please check and ensure that you have removed all the data in the post header metafields to remove the header. You can read more on post header meta fields in our guide here https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/post-metaboxes/.

    Also, you can disable this setting in the salient > blog > single post header.


    Try this and let us know how it goes.


  •  4
    mtmllc replied

    Thanks Andrew!

    Some of this helped; I didn't realize typing in the post title applied content, but if I take that out [ the title of the post ] than it has no "title" on any other search page or the blog overall landing page.

     However; even with that empty, I'm still getting the by-line, the post tags and the date showing up on the header.  Is there anyway to completely remove that on a post-by-post [ individual post as needed ] option?

    To clarify; I'm trying to remove the post header entirely [ except for the navigation ]; I don't want a post image cover [ whether that's the featured image or one I choose / upload ], I don't want the byline, title, anything - I just want to get right to to the content underneath the navigation on this one post. [ and this one post only ]


  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    I can't seem to see the post header in the blog post you shared. Could it be the one highlighted in green in this screenshot? Could you please share screenshots of what you're seeing from your end so we can further advise?


    If not. could you please share a link to a page with a post header so we can write the CSS to remove it entirely?

    I look forward to your reply.


  •  4
    mtmllc replied

    Andrew; thank you for your help so far and staying on this with me!

    What you're highlighting in green is just the first element in the post; The header is actually there [ i'll show in a screen shot ] but I made the text #FFF to match the page background, and its slightly showing b/c i made the "page header height" 50.

    I know this isn't ideal for a lot of reasons; hence I'm just trying to remove the header elements fully on this post alone.

    Here's a screen shot on a desktop [ mac / safari ]  so you can see the header text is showing up; if you select and highlight the page you can see the post header title that is rendered in white. 

    If I leave the post title as "blank" and all the page header options blank, the header still loads; 

    • it won't render the text of the post header [ as its blank ]
    • it will however still render the date, categories and author unfortunately
    • it also will keep a header size

    The option I have looks good on a desktop [ but it's still rendering background colored text which isn't good ] and unfortunately leaves a sizable header "blank" space on mobile.


  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hey again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Please undo the previous changes you made to the header and add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel (We write all Custom CSS in the Live Browser to ensure accuracy. If you cannot see any changes, make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as any syntax error would cause all CSS under that line of code to not show up on the Frontend):

    .postid-48853 #page-header-wrap {
      display: none;

    Please note that the CSS will only affect the header on this page.

    Try this and let us know how it goes.


  •  4
    mtmllc replied

    Woohoo!  Thank you - that's exactly what I was looking for.  I'll pocket this for future use!  Thank you so much Andrew!!