I am trying to import the demos from all the pages of this template, and the loading percentage does not progress; it stays at 0, and I do not see all the template pages loaded. I don't know if I need to activate something else or what is happening because all the required plugins are installed.
I am trying to import the demos from all the pages of this template, and the loading percentage does not progress; it stays at 0, and I do not see all the template pages loaded. I don't know if I need to activate something else or what is happening because all the required plugins are installed.
Attached files: 1.jpg
Hey pmorales6 ,
This should help: https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/salient-demo-importer-plugin/#faq:~:text=Frequently%20Asked%20Questions-,Demo%20Import%20Failing,-The%20more%20images
ThemeNectar Support Team