  Public Ticket #3578407
"Read More..." Tag not working in portfolio


  •  2
    thoisr started the conversation


    I try to add "read more..." tag on my paragraphes, in a portfolio page, but they do not apply on the page...any idea why?




  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    This is a core feature of WordPress that is only intended for you to specify where the excerpt should end on blog posts. It is not a general element that can be used on pages to show/hide content. Attempting to insert it into a page, or anywhere outside of a blog post will be ignored - you can verify the same thing will occur when switching to the default WP theme.

    Alternatively, you can try using this plugin or similar: https://wordpress.org/plugins/expand-maker/ and see if it helps. 

    I hope that info helps.


  •  2
    thoisr replied

    Thanks for the info, I get it now.

     I'll try it, but on their exemple the buttons "read more" are quite ugly...lets see if I can make them ok.


  •  1,986
    Judith replied

    Hi there,

    You're welcome.

    I'm happy that we could assist you! If you haven't already, please consider sharing your experience by leaving a review on ThemeForest

    Your feedback is valuable to us and greatly appreciated!

  •  2
    thoisr replied


    sorry to post this here but I'v been trying all day to post a new ticket and it keeps telling me "oups someting went wrong..", since i'm totaly dependant of this problem to be solve to finsih my site...I'm trying this!



    Subject:the WPBakery Visual Composer refused to activate


    I migrated my new website on its cleaned location using WPVivid Backup and installed WPML to translate it in french.

    Since then, the WPBakery Visual Composer refused to activate, when I try it gives me this kind of error message:


    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Warning: The magic method Vc_Manager::__sleep() must have public visibility in /home/thomasis/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/js_composer.php on line 211

    Warning: The magic method Vc_Manager::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/thomasis/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/js_composer.php on line 217

    Fatal error: Cannot declare class Vc_Manager, because the name is already in use in /home/thomasis/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/js_composer.php on line 33


    I think its for that that the WPML would  not proparly translate my pages.

    Waiting impatiently for your inside, because without it WPML would not work properly either.



  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hi again,

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    Could you please try deactivating all other plugins and try reactivating the page builder alone and let us know if this issue still occurs?

    We look forward to your reply.


  •  2
    thoisr replied

    Hello Andrew,

    So I deactivated all plugin :

    and activated only WPBakery Visual Composer, it led to a critical error and a crash: 


    I re-entered my Dashoboard in recovery mode and saw this message regarding WPBakery Visual Composer:


    I tried, in recovery mode to reactivate only the Salient plugin, then WPBakery Visual Composer, but it gives me the same fatal error then on previous message. 

    It seems WPBakery Visual Composer is corrupted, but I could not find it in your .zip to replace it...

    --- after I realized you asked me to install only the Page Builder (and not the visual composer), so I did, and nothing happened, it just asked to install all other salient plugin,.

    so I tried to activate WPBakery Visual Composer with only the Page Builder activated,  and it gave me the same fatal error message then on the previous mail:

    Warning: The magic method Vc_Manager::__sleep() must have public visibility in /home/thomasis/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/js_composer.php on line 211

    Warning: The magic method Vc_Manager::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/thomasis/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/js_composer.php on line 217

    Fatal error: Cannot declare class Vc_Manager, because the name is already in use in /home/thomasis/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/js_composer.php on line 33

    what should I do?



  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us. 

    Could you try reuploading the theme afresh and let us know if this sorts out the issue? The plugin is in the salient core plugin.

    Try this and let us know how it goes.

    Kind regards,

  •  2
    thoisr replied

    Thank you Andrew for your help,

    It worked!



  •  3,055
    Andrew replied

    Hello again,

    I'm happy that we could assist you! If you haven't already, please consider sharing your experience by leaving a review on ThemeForest. Your feedback is valuable to us and greatly appreciated!

    Kind regards,