  Public Ticket #359684
Hiding Rows or Elements on mobile Devices


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    Bas started the conversation

    I found this a CSS comment of the helpdesk on hiding footers on mobile devices. I would like to hide specific elements, like images or content that is not suited for mobile devices. 

    How can i hide elements or rows for mobile devices. What steps do i have to take ? 

    - Should i add an Extra Class Name ? 

    - And what would the CSS like ? 

    Example i found to hide footer on mobile devices.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 470px) { #footer-outer { display: none!important; } }

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    Bas replied

    ok, allready found the answer.... for those who want to know: 

    - Give your Extra Class Name and identifier like exampl:  hide-img or hide-col    

    Add below CSS to Custom CSS on top of page or in the Salient options panel ! 

    @media only screen and (max-width: 470px) {

    .hide-col {

    display: none !important;


    @media only screen and (max-width: 470px) {

    .hide-img {

    display: none !important;
