  Public Ticket #362760
placement of comment section on single blog page


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    marianne started the conversation

    Hi, I've been looking for a solution for the layout of my single blog page, but I just can't figure out how to alter it the way I need. Where can I customize the single blog page? Problems:

    1) comment section is placed at bottom of page and full width, AFTER the side bar, so when looking at the post on a smartphone, you will have to scroll all the way through all the side bar items before you get to the comment section. What I want is to have the comment section placed immediately after the post text/images (and not full width) like on this page: http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-frostwave/amaz...

    2) when using single blog LO without sidebar Text is displayed with space both left and right (also with full with background selected), but I want the margins to be aligned with the header. See example here of how I do NOT want it to be:  http://www.picturelyspoken.com/black-white-amsterd...

    I can't figure out why this happens, I don't have problems aligning text correctly on other pages, this is only an issue on the blog page. If I use single post WITH sidebar, the alignment is correct.

    Would appreciate your help on this.


  •  9,107
    Tahir replied


    Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5zaox7 . You need to turn off the next post single link in Blog Options. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

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    marianne replied

    Unfortunately that one is already off, but nothing changes: http://www.picturelyspoken.com/black-white-amsterdam/ See also attache screenshot

  •  9,107
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    If that isnt working switch to Original Skin in General Settings -> Salient Theme Options .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    marianne replied

    Hi again again and thank you, that did indeed solve that problem. However switching to Original skin gave me back some other issues that I could avoid by using "ascend". Can you help me solve those? Take look at this page: http://www.picturelyspoken.com/blog/ There are lines missing on top of the post "boxes" and on the left side. Also see footer, categories list, the lines are black as opposed to grey in rest of theme. I can't figure out where that comes from. 

  •  9,107
    Tahir replied

    Sure, Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel :

    .isotope .isotope-item {
        border: 1px solid #EAEAEA;
    #footer-outer .widget.widget_categories li a, #footer-outer .widget.widget_pages li a, #footer-outer .widget.widget_nav_menu li a {
        border-bottom: none !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    marianne replied

    Thanx a lot! that worked:)

  •  5
    Mark replied

    Has anyone made a single-post template in child to achieve this without having to switch to Original skin?

    Original skin switch requires too many css tweaks (nav, input fields, woocommerce items etc) to get back to the ascend look.

    Just curious.