when I use the built in search option, only the title of the portfolio pages are listed but not the content of the portfolio page. I have tried different plugins but it looks like all the plugin are focusing on posts rather than portfolio pages. Can you please help me with this?
yes, I have to admit relevanssi was not working at all with my salient. I even had problems in installing it. I tried different times installing and setting up relevanssi but never worked. I also tried Ivory Search. In any case both of them seems to focus on posts rather than portfolio projects. What is the shortcake for example for the portfolio pages project excerpt. It would be already enough for me to include that in the search
We have had users use Relevanssi so try installing it again and check.
Also check for server php errors using this guide: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/your-complete-guide-to-troubleshooting-wordpress/ . It would be best to contact the hosting provider and have them look into this as they are aware of the Server Configuration Details .
Hey Again,Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.
hello! Thanks I tried but it still does not work. I am not entirely sure relevanssi can do it, as I am not sure it is indexing the content of the portfolio page or just the portfolio page title. What next step do you advice for? Thank you
relevanssi is capable of adding the content of the portfolio post type into the search. When configuring it, can you verify that you've checked the box next to the "Portfolio" post type and selected "All" for the custom fields?
After ensuring both of those options are set correctly, you just need to click the "Build the index" button to cache all of the data.
thanks, yes I did that. But it is not working. I actually did some trials with the index building, like selecting only pages, but any of the changes I do, are not reflected in the search. Your colleague pointed out I should deactivate the jetpack search, which I did, but it looks like there is something impeding relevanssi to take control of my search. Any help would be really really appreciated !
It's worth noting that unfortunately relevanssi and any other search modification plugin for WP won't be able to modify the quick (AJAX) search in Salient that shows the first series of results in the header navigation. The plugins will only be able to alter the full WP search (after the user hits enter on their search terms)
when I use the built in search option, only the title of the portfolio pages are listed but not the content of the portfolio page. I have tried different plugins but it looks like all the plugin are focusing on posts rather than portfolio pages. Can you please help me with this?
Hey Again,
Did you try using this plugin or similar: https://wordpress.org/plugins/relevanssi/ ?.
ThemeNectar Support Team
yes, I have to admit relevanssi was not working at all with my salient. I even had problems in installing it. I tried different times installing and setting up relevanssi but never worked. I also tried Ivory Search. In any case both of them seems to focus on posts rather than portfolio projects. What is the shortcake for example for the portfolio pages project excerpt. It would be already enough for me to include that in the search
Hey Again,
We have had users use Relevanssi so try installing it again and check.
Also check for server php errors using this guide: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/your-complete-guide-to-troubleshooting-wordpress/ . It would be best to contact the hosting provider and have them look into this as they are aware of the Server Configuration Details .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Again,Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Again,
Try turning off Jetpack Search and check:
ThemeNectar Support Team
hello! Thanks I tried but it still does not work. I am not entirely sure relevanssi can do it, as I am not sure it is indexing the content of the portfolio page or just the portfolio page title. What next step do you advice for? Thank you
Escalating this to the developer for further response.
ThemeNectar Support Team
ok, in case I do not manage and I have to buy a costly plug in, is there a way to turn all the portfolio pages (more than 400) into posts?
Hey ludovicatomi,
relevanssi is capable of adding the content of the portfolio post type into the search. When configuring it, can you verify that you've checked the box next to the "Portfolio" post type and selected "All" for the custom fields?
After ensuring both of those options are set correctly, you just need to click the "Build the index" button to cache all of the data.
Kind regards
thanks, yes I did that. But it is not working. I actually did some trials with the index building, like selecting only pages, but any of the changes I do, are not reflected in the search. Your colleague pointed out I should deactivate the jetpack search, which I did, but it looks like there is something impeding relevanssi to take control of my search. Any help would be really really appreciated !
Hey, doing a quick search for the string "1996–2023" which exists in this project seems to yields the correct results: https://aedesmetrolab.de/?s=1996%E2%80%932023
It's worth noting that unfortunately relevanssi and any other search modification plugin for WP won't be able to modify the quick (AJAX) search in Salient that shows the first series of results in the header navigation. The plugins will only be able to alter the full WP search (after the user hits enter on their search terms)
Kind regards
Thank you so much!
Is it possible to erase the quick (AJAX) search in Salient?
Hey ludovicatomi!
Yes, you can toggle it via the option "Disable AJAX from search" in the Salient options > header navigation > header search tab.
Kind regards