  Public Ticket #3669983
navigation menus not working correctly


  •  1
    Wordpress Dev. team started the conversation

    This is the second time I submitted this. I submitted the first time an when I clicked submitted this tool crashed. So, I am doing it again.

    Our website was designed by a contractor and there is little to no documentation. The contractor built the site as a child theme of salient and it has worked well through salient version 8.5.3. When I updated to salient 16.2.2 the operation of the horizontal and vertical menu no longer functioned properly.
    Our live site https://www.fjspecialty.com which is baed on salient 8.5.3 had a horizontal navigation menu at the top of each page. When the screen geometry changes from a desktop to a phone the horizontal menu disappears.If the user touches the blank area opposite the company logo a vertical navigation menu appears and all the links are active. This is normal operation.

    Our test site https://testmigration.fjspecialty.com child theme uses the same child .php code which it is using the version 16.2.2 salient theme. On a large screen the horizontal menu appears normally as well as the vertical menu bar. But, none of the vertical menu links work. Navigating to the same URL with a phone, the horizontal menu bar is not visible. Just the vertical menu bar is visible. But,  none of the menu links work. What is supposed happen is when the user touches the three(3) small horizontal lines that are new for 16.2.2 the vertical menu should appear and the menu links be active.
    I have looked through the custom theme and can't find the cause. 

    Can you offer a suggestion of document or URL to get me in the correct direction to fix this. Specifically:

    1 - Have the vertical navigation menu be hidden until the three(3) lines are touched.
    2 - When the vertical navigation menu is visible the menu links be enabled.

    I would like to point out on our test and live site is an older salient theme version 7.0.5 that can't be deleted because it is reported to not exist. I do not know if that information is relevant.

    Any suggestions are welcome.

  •  8,663
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    I had a quick look, and it appears the Child Theme is likely modifying the 'header.php' file, which has changed extensively with the new updates. The easiest way to fix this is to switch to the Parent Theme and use Custom CSS to recreate the previously available functionality


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Wordpress Dev. team replied


    To make sure I understand. Abandon the child theme all together. Then start from scratch and redesign the various homes pages and such using the salient theme. Then create as needed custom css to make it work correctly. Did i get your inference correctly?

    Is that correct?

  •  8,663
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    First, switch to the Parent Theme in the Appearance -> Themes section instead of the Child Theme. Check what's broken and then adjust the Salient Theme Options Panel to your liking.

    If you find any missing functionality, you can add it afterward.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •   Wordpress Dev. team replied privately
  •  8,663
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Sorry for the late turn around, we can get overwhelmed sometimes by the number of tickets. 

    I am afraid there is no such document that highlights such collections. This might help: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-update-a-wordpress-theme-without-losing-customization/


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Wordpress Dev. team replied

    I have been reading about wpcode. Can you provide  URL that lists all the salient action and filter hooks, the parameters they are passed, and the expected data return? I found this URL https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/developer-docs/. It lists some Salient hooks but doesn't discuss the portions of a theme altered/affected nor the data passed or expected return values. Are these all the hooks? Where are the details on using the different hooks?

    Are there any tutorials on using the different hooks? There is nothing on youtube. Those videos are about the wordpress hooks which I am sure are a subset of the salient hooks.



  •  8,663
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You will have to look inside the code to find the details. 

    Try using the https://wordpress.org/plugins/string-locator/ to find the relevant actions and hooks.

    Also this should help: https://kinsta.com/blog/wordpress-hooks/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team