  Public Ticket #372340
Changing the height of a specific row


  • jason started the conversation

    On my page I am trying to adjust the first row (where the turquoise bar is with the contact widget) to be a specific height. The row has a specific class name as do the rows, I was able to resize the background of the row (the turquoise) but I have not been able to do the same for the row. I am trying to make it 42px in height.

    I would think I could just adjust them using the class names I assigned them but that does not appear to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  •  9,100
    Tahir replied


    You seem to have added a widgetized sidebar in a 4 column. You can try using this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/widget-shortcode/ to convert the widget to a shortcode and then simple place the shortcode in a full width column and float it right.



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • jason replied

    Hey T,

    So I gave that a shot but the shortcode ended up doing something weird to my page. I may try again at some point but I am also fairly certain that it won't solve my issue. If you go back to my page (updated it) perhaps you'll have a better idea of what I meant. I did take your advice and not do the columns but I may put it back because I prefer the location constrained with the columns for the widget.

    That being said. My issue is that I want the row/column/whatever that the widget is in to only be as tall as the widgets icons (which is like...42px or some such). The row is called row_1_1 and the column inside of it where the widget is is called r1c1 within the visual editors unique class assignment.

    I can achieve just making the blue bar 42px easily enough, but the boundaries of column stayed the same (so the text/rows underneath it would not move up) which left an awkward gap.

    Any idea what the proper Id or class or whatever I need to do in the css to make that specific row shorter?



  •  9,100
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again!

    If i add in this custom css :

    html body #ajax-content-wrap .vc_span12.r1c1 {
        height: 42px !important;

    The icons seem to stay in its place in all screen sizes .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • jason replied

    Hey T

    Awesome thanks a ton that works perfectly. I really need to learn more code hah.

