  Public Ticket #373935
Portfolio buttons not working?


  •  1
    Richard started the conversation


    I searched if i could find this answered first but i couldn't, so i hope not to waste your time!

    Three points to ask:

    1) When i click on a portfolio image, and it takes me into more detail on the image, the button the i presume is meant to take you back to the portfolio images doesn't do anything but refresh the page (so it seems) - the button being the one with the 4 small squares in the top left.

    2) What does the small '+' mean/do when hovering over an image on the portfolio? it doesn't seem to have any point other than taking you into more detail on the image, which is the same as clicking anywhere else on the page. This leads onto another querey..

    3) Is there any way, someone looking through the portfolio, could click a 'add to favourites' (or such like) button that would link that portfolio image into another page for later observation?

    Thanks a ton in advance, and thanks for putting together such a fantastic theme and resource!


  •  9,053
    Tahir replied


    1) You have to set the Link for the square button in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Portfolio Section.

    2) The Plus is meant to link you to the detail page where as the image opens up a lightbox to view the image.

    3) No i am afraid we dont have such an option.


    ThemeNectar Support Team