  Public Ticket #3746389
wrong display in tablet mode


  •  11
    decybel started the conversation

    Hi again, sorry for the numerous questions...

    When i edit my page in tablet horizontal, here is what i see on WP bakey (Captureimagetab.JPG)

    but the display on my ipad is the following (Tab Horizontal.png)

    Same problem on vertical tablet.

    shown on WP bakery ( Captureimagetab2.JPG)

    and display on ipad: Tab Vertical.png

    Is there something i've done wrong? because as it is it's vey hard to set it up the way i want for tablet...

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Attached files:  Captureimagetab.JPG
      Tab Horizontal.png
      Tab Vertical.png

  •  3,108
    Andrew replied

    Hi again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    To clarify, have you adjusted the column width for the landscape and portrait modes as shown in our guide https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/page-builder-columns/#width

    You can set the width for each column on landscape to 1/2(6 columns) and each column on portrait to 1(12 columns).

    Try this and let us know how it goes.


  •  11
    decybel replied

    I don't know what's the problem but when i edit the page on tablet mode, i see the cganes in WP bakery but when i load the website on my ipad i don't see any changes i've made...

    besides this, what i see on mobile and tablet mode in WPbakery is very different from what i see on my devices, i don't understand

  •  3,108
    Andrew replied

    Hi again,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    could you try and disable all third-party plugins and see if the issue is resolved? You can can then reactivate the plugins one by one and see the one the causes the issue.

    Try this and let us know how it goes.

    Kind regards,

  •  11
    decybel replied

    I'll try this right away!

  •  11
    decybel replied

    I'm sorry andrew, could you tell me where to disable thos third-party plugins please?


  •  2,030
    Judith replied

    Hi Decybel,

    Thanks for writing back.

    You can refer to this guide on how to disable plugins : https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/wordpress/disable-wordpress-plugins/

    I really hope this proves helpful for you. If you have any more questions or run into any problems, please feel free to reach out.

    Best regards,

  •  11
    decybel replied

    I'm sorry, it didn't work so i reactivated everything.

    When i try to modify the column of the image you can see on this screenshot (taken from the page https://www.cypriendelaye.fr/wp-admin/post.php?vc_action=vc_inline&post_id=7564&post_type=page)

    it doesn't change anything when i open this page on my ipad, even when i enter random values (400 for vertical transformation here). I have just tried to modify an inner column on another page, didn't work neither.

    If i do the same on my mobile it works... I don't understand.

    Attached files:  Capture d’écran compotab.png

  •  9,123
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You seem to have adjusted translate values on all 3 levels which is complicating the adjustment, try reducing the unnecessary values and only adjust whats needed: 3565035745.pngClick on Image to View Larger

    Let me know if this helps! Happy to assist further if needed.



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  11
    decybel replied

    I thought the translate values was indepedendant form each other.

    You mean if i change the one for my laptop it affects also tablet and smartphones?

  •  9,123
    Tahir replied

    If you set one for desktop only then they would inherit to tablet and mobile as well.

    Try recreating that section and check. 



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  11
    decybel replied

    Ok, i have reset everything to the simpliest value but i still have this empty square and huge distance between my two sections on tablet mode.
    How could i correct this please Tahir?

    Attached files:  IMG_0166.jpg

  •  9,123
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    The empty space is due to the unset Single Image Page Element. See screenshot: 2205853539.pngClick on Image to View Larger


    Let me know if this helps! Happy to assist further if needed.



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  11
    decybel replied

    oh yes it's perfect, i saw there was this empty image but i couldn't select it so i've deleted the main image and add it to the hidden section.

    this sounds so simple, thanks Tahir!!