  Public Ticket #376588
clients mouseover opacity


  • Sven started the conversation

    Hi Support Team,

    the Theme works absolutely fine, but one question. I'm pretty sure that it is possible to activate and deactivate the hover (opacity) on the clients logo. But at which part? In the Page Options, Theme Options? Content Elements? ... I checked evertything twice :(

    Actually I have the mouseover and want to deactivate it. Any Ideas

    ThanXs for help


  •  9,101
    Tahir replied


    It might require custom css. Can you provide the page url so i can write it up for you.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Sven replied

    You find the actual development here:

    I integrated a js that load a second colored logo. After 1,5 second you can roll over and out and see the effect. When the colored logo appears there is still a opacity from the standard client hover action.

    Thanks for your help!

    I wish you a good start in the weekend

  •  9,101
    Tahir replied


    I cant see the image replacement due to a JS error. But as you can see here : http://prntscr.com/67irpy , you will have to specify the opacity as well.


    ThemeNectar Support Team