  Public Ticket #376742
page header height on mobile to small


  • Jan started the conversation

    Hi, i just noticed that when you have a long blog post title about two or three lines the page header height isn\'t high enough on mobile devices and tablets.

    Please look at this example

    The text gets cut off and the social media icons disappear.

    That\'s different on portfolio items - the font shrinks.

    Can you please help me with this because my client has a lot of very long titles ;P

  •  9,101
    Tahir replied


    Sorry for the weekend delay . Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel :

    @media only screen and (max-width: 690px) {
        #page-header-bg .span_6 h1, .single.single-post .section-title h1 {
            font-size: 3.5vw!important;
            line-height: 2.5vh!important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) and (min-width: 690px){
        #page-header-bg .span_6 h1, .single.single-post .section-title h1 {
            font-size: 3.5vw!important;
            line-height: 4.5vh!important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team