  Public Ticket #377140
“Last Column” check box


  • Kristian started the conversation


    Very nice theme. I have been reading this section of the manual multiple times:

    "Every time you are dealing with columns it is imperative that you check the “Last Column” check box for the last column in every row. A row ends every time your columns add up to a whole. If you fail to do this, your columns will not function correctly."

    Indeed my columns get all messed up when I display my site on my iPad or resize my browser window. My problem is that I can't for the life of me figure out where the "Last column" check box is??! I don't see it anywhere when I'm editing my page.


  •  9,101
    Tahir replied


    Which manual are you referring to ?. Please see Page Builder Video: .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kristian replied

    Hi Tahir,

    I'm referring to the 'salient-user-guide.pdf', which is packaged with the theme. It you look at the bottom of page 6 (or the attached screen shot), you'll see the statement I'm referring to. I watched the video, but that doesn't touch on the particular question I had.

  • Kristian replied

    And just to show you the problem I'm talking about - if you look at the 'correct' screen shot, which is what I see when the browser is at the correct size, vs the 'resized' screen shot, which is what I see when the browser window (or iPad/iPhone) has been made smaller.

  •  9,101
    Tahir replied

    Well you are referring to the shortcodes , See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/67nxkh .

    We would suggest using the Visual Composer Page Builder as it makes it quite easy to build pages.


    ThemeNectar Support Team