Hey guys... I need to animate the number $1.1B. As you'll see from the screenshot while I am able to add the $ before the number and subscript it, I'm not able to add the B after the number and it's unfortunately adding zero's at the end of the number. Any advice or recommendations to make this happen?
Also, I'm wondering if there is anyway I can tighten up the line height between the over and the animated number. I've messed with the line spacing in each field but cant seem to reduce the vertical space.
To assist you better, we'd love to have a closer look at your setup and to do this, we'll need admin login credentials
(dashboard URL, username, password) to your site. This will enable us to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the issue based on your specific configurations. Would you mind sharing this with us?
If you prefer, you can safely share the access through an access plugin such as Controlled Admin Access.
Before you provide this information, we strongly recommend taking a backup of your site.
If you have any concerns or questions about this process, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks Judith. I've had issues with Controlled Admin access before and honestly would rather just give you access if it's absolutely necessary. Is this a question you really need to gain access to my site to address?
So it's specifically the 'count to value' effect we are hoping to use because the effect compliments the message so powerfully. You can see how close we are...is there any possible way any of these could be done with the existing interface or via some simple custom css?
1. Eliminate the extra zero so it just said 3.3B
2. Add a superscript $ symbol before the count to value # (even sneaking in a column / text before?)
3. Any way we can eliminate any of the vertical space between the over and 3.3B?
Know this all may not be possible, but we'd be so grateful for any guidance on this.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to achieve this with the count to value effect.
If you wish to use the count to value, adding these changes would require some extensive customization which I'm afraid we are not able to offer due to support scope limitations.
However, we are partnered with a trusted provider of expert-level Salient customization. If you are interested in initiating a project, we recommend referring to our guide at the following link: https://themenectar.com/salient/customization/
I've contacted an expert through codeable and have an estimation to achieve what I'm looking to do. One question, for whatever reason I am not able to get the symbol before or after to inherit the font I'm using (see attached screenshots and URL. I'm really hoping this is not a limitation, but if you could advise whether I'm doing something wrong I'd appreciate it.
Add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel (We write all Custom CSS in the Live Browser to ensure accuracy. If you cannot see any changes, make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as any syntax error would cause all CSS under that line of code to not show up on the Frontend):
Hey guys... I need to animate the number $1.1B. As you'll see from the screenshot while I am able to add the $ before the number and subscript it, I'm not able to add the B after the number and it's unfortunately adding zero's at the end of the number. Any advice or recommendations to make this happen?
Also, I'm wondering if there is anyway I can tighten up the line height between the over and the animated number. I've messed with the line spacing in each field but cant seem to reduce the vertical space.
As always...thanks in advance!
Hi Eric,
Thanks for writing to us.
To assist you better, we'd love to have a closer look at your setup and to do this, we'll need admin login credentials
(dashboard URL, username, password) to your site. This will enable us to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the issue based on your specific configurations. Would you mind sharing this with us?
If you prefer, you can safely share the access through an access plugin such as Controlled Admin Access.
Before you provide this information, we strongly recommend taking a backup of your site.
If you have any concerns or questions about this process, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Best regards,
Thanks Judith. I've had issues with Controlled Admin access before and honestly would rather just give you access if it's absolutely necessary. Is this a question you really need to gain access to my site to address?
Hey Again,
You will have to use the "Motion Blur Slidein" Style for it to show up as needed. See screenshot:
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks for the response Tahir.
So it's specifically the 'count to value' effect we are hoping to use because the effect compliments the message so powerfully. You can see how close we are...is there any possible way any of these could be done with the existing interface or via some simple custom css?
1. Eliminate the extra zero so it just said 3.3B
2. Add a superscript $ symbol before the count to value # (even sneaking in a column / text before?)
3. Any way we can eliminate any of the vertical space between the over and 3.3B?
Know this all may not be possible, but we'd be so grateful for any guidance on this.
Thank you!
Hi Eric,
Thank you for getting back to us.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to achieve this with the count to value effect.
If you wish to use the count to value, adding these changes would require some extensive customization which I'm afraid we are not able to offer due to support scope limitations.
However, we are partnered with a trusted provider of expert-level Salient customization. If you are interested in initiating a project, we recommend referring to our guide at the following link: https://themenectar.com/salient/customization/
We appreciate your understanding on this matter.
Best Regards,
Thanks for getting back.
I've contacted an expert through codeable and have an estimation to achieve what I'm looking to do. One question, for whatever reason I am not able to get the symbol before or after to inherit the font I'm using (see attached screenshots and URL. I'm really hoping this is not a limitation, but if you could advise whether I'm doing something wrong I'd appreciate it.
Hey Again,
Add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel (We write all Custom CSS in the Live Browser to ensure accuracy. If you cannot see any changes, make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as any syntax error would cause all CSS under that line of code to not show up on the Frontend):
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you Tahir...that worked great.
Always appreciate the assistance!