  Public Ticket #3816213


  •  5
    chloe started the conversation

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm using the vertical sticky scrolling tab as this page: 


    I would like one of the image area to be a video.(the one in front of "Digital" in my page) is it possible to link a youtube video to an inner column background, or has it to be self-hosted?
    As I tried with a youtube link, nothing shows up... I get a blank space instead.
    Any tip you be helpful.

  •  3,108
    Andrew replied

    Hi Chloe,

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    You will have to add a self-hosted video for this to work as there is no provision to add youtube videos. You can read more about this on our guide https://themenectar.com/docs/salient/page-builder-columns/#video-background. 4877644355.png

    Try this and let us know how it goes.


  •  5
    chloe replied

    Hi Andrew,

    thank you for the quick answer. What is the ideal weight for such a file ?

  •  9,122
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    2MB or less if you want a fast load time. 



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  5
    chloe replied

    Hi again Andrew,

    I added a self-hosted video and it works now. But the border radius of the inner column doesn't show up on video background. Do you know how to solve this issue ?

    Attached files:  Capture d’écran 2025-02-07 à 16.44.51.png

  •  9,122
    Tahir replied

    Add this into the Custom CSS box in your Salient Theme Options panel (We write all Custom CSS in the Live Browser to ensure accuracy. If you cannot see any changes, make sure there is no red cross in the Custom CSS Box as any syntax error would cause all CSS under that line of code to not show up on the Frontend):

    .wpb_column[data-border-radius="15px"] > .vc_column-inner .column-video {
        border-radius: 15px !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  5
    chloe replied

    Thanks Tahir, it works!