  Public Ticket #3821059
Masonry Gallery keeps breaking


  • anna792 started the conversation

    I installed the EWWW as well as Flyingpress plugins around Christmas. Before that I had WP Rocket - had never any problems.  A month ago or so, two pages occasionally didn't load properly: https://annaschimmel.co.nz/nz-designer-wedding-dresses/ as well as the BRIDES page which has the same layout. These are the only masonry pages in my website.

    The last two weeks it's gotten so bad that the pages keep breaking almost daily. If I deactivate FlyingPress the breaking seems to stop - but then the site gets dead slow. I have contacted Flyingpress, but they were pretty uninterested ('can't see anything wrong - what's your problem?')

    When the pages don't load properly nothing will fix it - I have to install the backup to repair them.

    Here is a link to the staging site showing the problem: http://annaschimmedev.wpenginepowered.com/nz-designer-wedding-dresses/

    I have a small wedding dress business and this is not good. Any help gratefully received. Have played around with the settings in both plugins: unticked anything to do with images in Flyingpress...but when I update FlyingPress the pages break again.

    Help please!

    Attached files:  not feeding properly.JPG

  •  9,122
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You need to turn off the Image Resize feature and rather regenerate the images. See screenshot: 5841781808.png

    I believe this feature needs to be turned off: https://docs.flyingpress.com/en/article/add-responsive-images-y6igkl/



    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • anna792 replied

    Thank you! Does this setting look ok? In EWWW lazyloading is also unticked. I'll risk it and try to update FlyingPress now (ususally breaks Masonry straight away) .

    Attached files:  10.JPG

  •  9,122
    Tahir replied

    Yes, please check now. I cant seem to view the issue on my end anymore. 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • anna792 replied