We want salient theme v 16.1.2 as we wanted to compare original files with our current file (Our previous developers have modified the core files but we unfortunately don't have all the custom code documented so want to extract it by comparing the code). Request you to help us for the same. (we have purchase license for the theme)
Hello Team,
We want salient theme v 16.1.2 as we wanted to compare original files with our current file (Our previous developers have modified the core files but we unfortunately don't have all the custom code documented so want to extract it by comparing the code). Request you to help us for the same. (we have purchase license for the theme)
Hi Mark,
Thank you for getting in touch.
Allow me to escalate this to the developer to assist with this.
Your patience is highly appreciated.
Hey Mark,
Here's a copy of that version: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cjshabipsoder13z7mr34/salient.zip?rlkey=9e1qslgi1hs70upg7cauavaiq&st=k21gnly9&dl=0
Kind regards