Hi, we are creating this website for visually impaired individuals to be able to access and read, and we had a user give us this comment. Any advice on how to hide these? Thanks!
On the site Menu, the arrows are recognized by VoiceOver as elements. But when users encounter them, they hear that something is present. But nothing is announced. These arrows should be hidden entirely from the screen-reader’s list of objects it encounters on the page.
Hi, we are creating this website for visually impaired individuals to be able to access and read, and we had a user give us this comment. Any advice on how to hide these? Thanks!
On the site Menu, the arrows are recognized by VoiceOver as elements. But when users encounter them, they hear that something is present. But nothing is announced. These arrows should be hidden entirely from the screen-reader’s list of objects it encounters on the page.
Hello Debbienz,
Thanks for writing to us.
I am not seeing any arrows on the menu as shown here:
Please share with us a ascreenshot of the arrows you are referring to so that we can provide a helpful response,
Best Regards,