  Public Ticket #398560
slow loading nectar slider


  • Kim started the conversation


    I noticed the nectar slider on my homepage takes a long time to load sometimes. Is there anything I can do to fix this?


  •  9,105
    Tahir replied


    Please update to Salient Theme Version 5.5.5 as there have been major bug fixes .
    After Updating be sure to Activate Salient Visual Composer as its now a standalone plugin from here : .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied

    Ok I updated to the new version, this will fix the load times? Or is there anything I manually need to do?


  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Try using W3Total Cache and Better WP Minify Plugin.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied

    OK but why do I need to? Is it something with the theme that is making it so slow? Or do I need to make the file size smaller before uploading?


  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    This might help anwser your questions : http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/10-quick-tips-optimizing-speeding-up-your-wordpress-site/


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied


    I am still having issues with this website loading very slowly. I added the two plugins you suggested but Better WP Minify Plugin breaks my site, whenever I activate it I have a blank white homepage.

    I had to get rid of the slider on the homepage completely and even the one images doesn't load right away.

    I re-saved all the images, I guess I could go smaller but this really shouldn't be the issue.

    **But now when I click on the lightbox enlarge an image the screen turns gray for what feels like forever before even seeing the loading icon. It looks like nothing happens and no one will hang around to wait for this image to actually load. Can anything be done to help this?


  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Did you try reducing the image size ?. Also try this : https://wordpress.org/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/ . What score are you getting on gtmetrix.com ?.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied

    Yes I tried reducing image sizes, I will have to go through and see if I can do it more.

    I will try the image optimizer you suggest.

    I got an A score on gtmetrix.com which isn\'t bad - but it is telling me to put the javascript at the bottom of the page.

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    You can not optimize wp themes 100% also they are just suggestions so can be ignored.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied

    Hi sorry I have another question... When clicking on an image to open the light box initially it takes forever to open. It seems all the images load before it opens. It is painfully slow. Is there anything else that can be done with this? I resizedimages and loaded the plugins you suggested. Thanks again.

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Can you provide the page url so i can check the image size thats being loaded and is taking a while.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    There seems to be some 400 requests that likely slowing down . Please see: https://coderwall.com/p/v4uwyq/firefox-fontface-cross-domain-errors-workarounds


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied


    I\'m sorry but I don\'t understand. You sent me a link Firefox @font face errors? What am I supposed to do with this?

    When you say I have 400 requests - what requests? I am using the theme as is. I never modified anything.

    I\'m going to be honest, I love the theme but am getting frustrated.

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Follow this link: https://coderwall.com/p/v4uwyq/firefox-fontface-cross-domain-errors-workarounds , to remove those requests. The issue is not coming from the theme rather your server.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied

    So there is an issue with Godaddy? I\'m sorry I still do not understand what this Firefox @fontface article has anything to do with my issue.

  • Kim replied

    Hi again,

    I keep viewing the link you sent me to see if I missed something and I am totally lost as to why you sent me instructions for fixing fonts not showing up on Firefox. What does that have to do with the page loading? I have no issues with fonts.


  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Alot of users have been complaining about godaddy so i can confirm its a hosting issue. As regards the font solution i can see the issue in the browser console.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Kim replied

    Sorry to bother you again but this is like Chinese to me. I have a font issue also I need to fix?

    I will talk to godaddy too I guess.

  •  9,105
    Tahir replied

    Yes please talk to godaddy but they will likely claim that there is nothing wrong with their server. If speed is really an issue you might have to change servers.


    ThemeNectar Support Team