I've imported creative blog dummy xml into my wordpress page. But i can not view the masonry layout as seen on Salient's original demo.
My page's blog posts have padding between each other, but the original have none (please see attached jpg and masonry-demo.jpg) and the original design on http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-blog/ is perfect.
I've imported creative blog dummy xml into my wordpress page. But i can not view the masonry layout as seen on Salient's original demo.
My page's blog posts have padding between each other, but the original have none (please see attached jpg and masonry-demo.jpg) and the original design on http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-blog/ is perfect.
How can i have the same design on my page?
Yavuz Sakli
Please adjust the settings in the Visual Composer Blog element and here :
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hello Tahir,
Thanks for the quick response.
That's another minor clue that i've missed.
Yavuz Sakli