  Public Ticket #410548
Resize images in Portfolio


  • Jerrin started the conversation

    Dear ThemeNectar team,

    I want to know if there is a way I can display the images to be of same width in individual portfolio pages?

    I have multiple images of varying width in every portfolio. So while scrolling down, it looks uneven.

    I wish there was a fix for it so it does resizing?

    I dont know much about changing the code. But if you can guide me that would be great.

    Other way is to resize all the images one by one in photoshop. But Im looking for some way I could tweak css may be?


  •  9,053
    Tahir replied


    No i am afraid you will have to resize the images in the Media library or Photoshop . Please also see Sizing section in user-guide : http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf .


    ThemeNectar Support Team