  Public Ticket #419110
navigate into the images of project lightbox


  • Besay started the conversation


    Im looking to have inside the lightbox of my portoflio, the possibility of navigating into the images of that project, not in between the different projects I have in the portfolio.

    I dont want to link to a different project page, just want to see it in the same lightbox. Its this possible?


  •  9,106
    Tahir replied


    There is an option in the latest version \"Single Project Nav Arrows Limited To Same CategoryThis will cause your single project page next/prev arrows to lead only to projects that exist in the same category as the current.\" in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Portfolio Section .

    Auto update the theme to 5.5.5 using this plugin http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-update-themeforest-themes-with-the-envato-wordpress-toolkit/
    After Updating be sure to Activate Salient Visual Composer as its now a standalone plugin from here :
    If you prefer to update manually see: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes
    Also this might be of some help: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/upgrade-wordpress-themes-even-if-they-are-customized/


    ThemeNectar Support Team