  Public Ticket #426082
Parallax Images hidden by "loading" background


  • Tom started the conversation

    This is being observed on a Mac using Firefox v37 (don't know if that is significant). It only happens on the first visit to the page. You need to clear the cache each time to repeat the problem.

    I have a mouse based parallax background image at the top with 5 layers. On first visits, the "loading" icon and dark background appear on top of the layered images. That stuff is supposed to go away after the page is fully loaded and ready to display. The "loading" indicators remain visible instead, no parallax images can be seen. Refresh the page and the layered images are displayed.

    If I add this css to my stylesheet to hide the "loading" elements, I can see the layers of the parallax image loading one by one so I know I have the right paths.

    .nectar-slider-loading { display:none }

    Salient theme is version 5.5.51. Wordpress is version 4.2.1. Php is 5.5. This problem occurred both before and after upgrading the Salient theme. ALL plugins except the Salient Visual Composer are deactivated on the page while I troubleshoot this problem.

    I've been all day looking at this. Any help would be appreciated.

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied


    Unfortunately I haven\'t been able to replicate this yet on the same version of Firefox, browserstack.com has also not shown the issue - have you been able to see this occur on more than one machine and can you also see it occur on the demo on any mouse based parallax pages?
