  Public Ticket #428709
how to enlarge, position & change color of downwards arrow


  • Alice started the conversation

    Hello there,

    after a lot of reading thru this forum I finally need to ask: How can I enlarge, position and change the color of the downward arrow within a nectar slider?

    Sorry if you have answered this question somewhere already - I couldn't find it I'm afraid :-/

    Thanks for answering!

  •  9,106
    Tahir replied


    Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :
    html body .swiper-wrapper .slider-down-arrow i.icon-default-style[class^=\"icon-\"] {
        font-size: 35px !important;
        color: #ff0 !important;
    html body .swiper-wrapper .slider-down-arrow {
        left: 98% !important;
        margin-left: -60px !important;


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Alice replied

    hey Tahir,

    Great! I can work really well with that! Super :-)
