  Public Ticket #431785
white pages


  • stefano started the conversation

    Hi there is quite a while that i got white pages when a try to get to my site, from every where,also if i get into the dashboard. I installed a DEVELOPER plugin to get logs and i got iThemes security on my blog. Well I will attach you print screen of the log page. Weird is that if i reload the page it works fine.

    Thanks for any help.


  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied


    I can see the love script not loading but that shouldn\'t contribute to the page not loading sometimes - I haven\'t been able to replicate yet but have you reached out to your hosting company in regards to see if anything is being logged in your error log?


  • stefano replied

    Strange! Anywayis when i do reload the page of the site http://www.risonanzamagneticaveterinaria.it, it loads immediatly and it works fine.

    this site http://www.ambulatorioveterinariomonteverde.it use the same plugins and theme and upgrades.

    i do not see any pbls at all.


