  Public Ticket #450611
Blog Posts & Sidebar


  • Grigory started the conversation

    I\'ve got few strange issues with my theme.

    Maybe you can help me.

    1. I\'ve got two places where my post appears: https://mighty.rocks/ and https://mighty.rocks/blog/. When I submitting new post it\'s naturally appears at https://mighty.rocks/blog/, but not at https://mighty.rocks/. Refresh, clear cache doesn\'t works. Only if I go to Edit page and then change blog elements counts form 3 to 4 or reverse. Then it appears. I tried to delete blog element from front page and add new one — doesn\'t helps.

    2. Can\'t change single post sidebar settings at all. I change it few times before start blogging. I used to add calendar, recent posts, etc. But now I found that I don\'t want to see the calendar at my sidebar. I simply deleted it from \"Widgets\" menu in admin panel. And... It\'s does not change any thing. Even if I will go to \"Salient\" in admin panel and turn off sidebar for single posts it will not change anything. Completely frustrated.

  • Grigory replied

    And... As usual I found an answer couple of minutes later submitting ticket.

    For question number 2:

    I simply updated every blog post and it affects on sidebar in every single case.

    This clearly prove my first problem:

    Something prevents pages from auto updating after changes. But not in every case. If I will change text, images, elements order in visual composer — it works. Always. If I trying to change widgets, or submit new post widgets area or blogroll doesn\'t updates.

    Hope that I will find a solution in next few minutes.

  •  9,107
    Tahir replied


    Its likely a server caching issue.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Grigory replied

    Sounds right. Thank you Tahir. Again. Really.

    I really grateful to you for what you doing.