The default color of the social media logos is medium gray and the mouseover color is dark green on dark gray. Both the normal state and hover state are difficult to see. How must I change the CSS to make the original color white and the hover color a lighter gray that provides better visual contrast? My preference would be to use the !important CSS tag in the Custom CSS field so theme updates don't overwrite any customization. Thanks!
I tried that and after spending a lot of time I\'m no closer to finding exactly where I need to change the CSS to accomplish my desired outcome. Would you please tell me which line(s) to change, and how to change them?
The default color of the social media logos is medium gray and the mouseover color is dark green on dark gray. Both the normal state and hover state are difficult to see. How must I change the CSS to make the original color white and the hover color a lighter gray that provides better visual contrast? My preference would be to use the !important CSS tag in the Custom CSS field so theme updates don't overwrite any customization. Thanks!
Hey ,
This might help: .
ThemeNectar Support Team
I tried that and after spending a lot of time I\'m no closer to finding exactly where I need to change the CSS to accomplish my desired outcome. Would you please tell me which line(s) to change, and how to change them?
Hey Again,
ThemeNectar Support Team