  Public Ticket #457610
Ultimate addons not working with Salient 2


  • Fausto started the conversation

    Hello, I'm inquiring about public ticket #443786 that was closed without being resolved. I currently have the same problem with the links not working with the "Ultimate add ons" plugin. The last post on the ticket mentioned that the new update to "Salient" would have the latest "Visual Composer" thus making the plugin compatible:

    "Hey , i am not aware of the Frontend functionality being added . As regards when its release date. It should be out in about a week .


    This post was on May 30th and I still don't see the new version of Salient on "Theme Forest" for download that would fix the problem with the "Ultimate Addons" plugin. Can you please let me know if this issue is going to be fixed and when?

    Thank you for your time

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied


    We have a customized version of VC to make the site unique from its competitors. A major update is underway and should be released by the end of this month.

    I can not confirm if the ultimate Addons would be compatible with Salient 6.0 so if you are in a crunch and want to use Ultimate Addons please choose a different Theme .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Jason replied

    I must say that if you use VC and strip away the benefits of addons I will change themes. The idea behind VC, and your theme, is that it is flexible.

    I ama huge fan of your theme and your service. Please consider adding more flexibility than less.



  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey Guys, the minor update for this issue will be out tomorrow :)
