  Public Ticket #477336
Font Awesome no longer working


  • Charles started the conversation

    Hi there.

    Font Awesome has suddenly stopped working on my site. It was there, but now the Font Awesome icons have disappeared. If go to Edit Text Block for a text block on the site, select the Nectar Shortcodes button, and then select Icon in the list of Nectar shortcode types, the Font Awesome icons no longer appear for selection. It can be selected in the drop down of available icon types (along with Steadysets and Linecons) but nothing shows up in the icon grid below it if I select it.

    Similarly, the social icons have disappeared from the footer at the bottom of my page, and the little up-arrow which floats to the bottom right of the page when you scroll down on the site, has also disappeared.

    Do you know why this is? I don't think I changed anything on the site except some of the copy, so I can't see how I caused this to happen.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Jan replied

    I have the same issue!

  •  9,108
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Please add these to your .htaccess file : https://gist.github.com/lindsayevans/794800 .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Charles replied

    Awesome! That worked - thanks very much!