  Public Ticket #495284
Boxed Youtube displays on video page


  • Mayowa started the conversation

    Hello ,

    please i would like to know how to achieve the structure and outlay similar to tis page, for a video page on my website.. http://brendonburchard.com/videos/

  •  9,108
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Its a simply row column with iframe embeds . See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8158zh .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Mayowa replied

    Thanks. I get that. from your explanation my understanding is that i need a row element, then a column element and the raw html element for the iframe code.

    but from the visual composer, after placing a row element on the page, how do you then place columns in the row element without using a text block element, because so far i have only been able to get columns through text bloxk element alone.

    please shed more light on how to get the iframe codes into columns.

  •  9,108

    ThemeNectar Support Team