Hi there, one more question on this webpage...everything looks fine when you look at our page with a desktop/laptop computer...but when you view it on a mobile phone, the project bar widget overlaps the text just above it.
thanks for this. I\'ve added that code into the Salient/General Setting/Custom CSS Code area and still having the overlapping issue when viewing the webpage on an iphone 5s. any other tips?
Hiya Tahir...sadly, this problem never got fixed. I\'m still noticing the overlap when I view the page on a mobile (iPhone 5S)...any other things to fix it?
Hi there, one more question on this webpage...everything looks fine when you look at our page with a desktop/laptop computer...but when you view it on a mobile phone, the project bar widget overlaps the text just above it.
see screenshot attached.
how do I fix this?
Hey ,
See changelog: http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Ok, done. We\'re updated to Salient 6.0.3 but still having the same problems of overlapping when viewed on mobile device. What\'s the next step?
Hey again,
ThemeNectar Support Team
thanks for this. I\'ve added that code into the Salient/General Setting/Custom CSS Code area and still having the overlapping issue when viewing the webpage on an iphone 5s. any other tips?
Hiya Tahir...sadly, this problem never got fixed. I\'m still noticing the overlap when I view the page on a mobile (iPhone 5S)...any other things to fix it?