How can I get navigation background to go transparent after I click on Off Canvas menu button?
Thing is that when I click on Off Canvas Menu button dark background drops down with navigation text but it keeps thick white header on top...I would like that header to go transperent once Off canvas Menu background is over it (like on your example on Agency mockup).
You might have to use the Force Transparent option in the Edit Page Meta box option .
Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.
Hey - add this into the custom css box located in your Salient Options panel:
#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent=\"false\"].side-widget-open {
background-color: transparent!important;
#header-outer[data-permanent-transparent=\"false\"].side-widget-open header#top nav ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a i.lines, #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent=\"false\"].side-widget-open header#top nav ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a i.lines::after, #header-outer[data-permanent-transparent=\"false\"].side-widget-open header#top nav ul .slide-out-widget-area-toggle a i.lines::before {
background-color: #fff!important;
Sorry my bad. There is no more white header when OffCanvas menu is ON but it still stays white once I start scrolling down (Header Permanent Transparent option is ON).
How can I get navigation background to go transparent after I click on Off Canvas menu button?
Thing is that when I click on Off Canvas Menu button dark background drops down with navigation text but it keeps thick white header on top...I would like that header to go transperent once Off canvas Menu background is over it (like on your example on Agency mockup).
Hey ,
Simply Turn on the Transparent Header Option in Salient Theme Options Panel .
ThemeNectar Support Team
I did that but white header is still there...
I don\'t this code has anything to do with it (its just for drop shadow)
div#header-outer {
box-shadow: none;
Hey ,
You might have to use the Force Transparent option in the Edit Page Meta box option .
Could you allow us to log in to your website backend dashboard so we can check on this for you more?. We are gonna need the username and password of admin user as well as the login url.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey ,
Its weird your setup seems to be correct. Could you please update to Salient 6.0.4 so we can troubleshoot further.
ThemeNectar Support Team
I\'ve uploaded my theme but the issue is still the same.
Hey - add this into the custom css box located in your Salient Options panel:
Still nothing :(
Sorry my bad.
There is no more white header when OffCanvas menu is ON but it still stays white once I start scrolling down (Header Permanent Transparent option is ON).
Permanent option is set to off : .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Its On from start...
See attachment