  Public Ticket #502730
2 problems...


  • Alex started the conversation

    Hi, i have 2 problems and i hope help me...


    In home page i have a problem when by passing through the section of works changes the nav background from white to black, do not know why this happens, but hope that this always white.


    The subject says it can make pages with multilayers parrallax as in this video:

    and specifically want to take a page from the "work (portfolio)" to fullscreen and so far I have not managed to create a product so without desaser grids of the other pages of "work (portfolio)".

    I hope you can help me,

    Best regards

  •  9,120
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    You have to remove the Inherit Row Color option in here : http://prntscr.com/85m5li . As regards the parallax video please see youtube channel : www.youtube.com/user/ThemeNectar/videos .


    ThemeNectar Support Team