Hi, my site is a only-SSL site and there is a bug when using the lightbox for videos. As I can see the theme contains PrettyPhoto.js which embeds videos without https. My site does not show these videos because chrome blocks them (mixed content). Could you please fix this in the next updates?
Hi, my site is a only-SSL site and there is a bug when using the lightbox for videos. As I can see the theme contains PrettyPhoto.js which embeds videos without https. My site does not show these videos because chrome blocks them (mixed content). Could you please fix this in the next updates?
Best regards, Jannik
Hey jannik, same thing I was looking to do. Simply, edit the prettyphoto.js file as needed.
For example, for vimeo, change:
movie = \'http://player.vimeo.com/video/\'
movie = \'https://player.vimeo.com/video/\'