Since updating Salient, visual composer isn't working properly. Here are the issues:
1) In Classic Mode if there is any Raw HTML or Raw JS the content is displaying in some form of strange format (see attachment image vc_error.jpg)
2) When in Classic mode all of the content doesn't display so I cannot make any edits to that content that is not displaying.(see attachment image vc_error.jpg)
This issues comes from the WP 4.3 update. We are waiting for the Visual Composer devs to release a bug fix. In the meantime you can downgrade to WP 4.2 and get the site running perfectly. Thanks
Since updating Salient, visual composer isn't working properly. Here are the issues:
1) In Classic Mode if there is any Raw HTML or Raw JS the content is displaying in some form of strange format (see attachment image vc_error.jpg)
2) When in Classic mode all of the content doesn't display so I cannot make any edits to that content that is not displaying.(see attachment image vc_error.jpg)
3) When running an audit on the page an error is given "Uncaught URIError: URI malformed". It gives an address to the file of: and says the error is on line 659. (see attachment vc_error_2.jpg)
This problem is preventing us from making some majore changes. We look forward to hearing your reply.
The Super Trader
Hey ,
This issues comes from the WP 4.3 update. We are waiting for the Visual Composer devs to release a bug fix. In the meantime you can downgrade to WP 4.2 and get the site running perfectly.
ThemeNectar Support Team
I have a similar problem. Which version I have to downgrade? 4.2.5 it\'s ok?
i Have the same problem like @Nic. You know how to fix it?
Hey, this was an issue that existed before the vc 4.7 update which is included with the current release of Salient