Hi, I bought your theme yesterday and I would like to set up a site fairly similar to the live demo (the box layout that starts with a video, scrolls down to some texts with icons, further scrolling reveals boxes you can click on to proceed through the website). I was wondering if there was any documentation accessible that explains how to set this up. It may be in an obvious location and I missed it. If that is the case then I apologize.
Could you tell me the names of the shortcodes you have placed after the initial video intro on the home page of your demo? I assume it goes something like this:
1. Video: Box 2. Image with Animation 3. Full Width Section 4. Portfolio (A) 5. Milestone 6. Don\'t Know (B) 7. Full Width Section 8. Blog 9. Don\'t Know (C)
So for what I don\'t understand:
(A) If this a portfolio, how do you get all of your image links to touch and to be different sized squares or rectangles. For instance the first square link \"Custom Content: How\'s this for Exciting\" and \"Henry David Thoreau\'s Quote\" are two even squares and it is followed by a longer rectangle the size of two squares. All of them are touching and it looks great. When I set up a portfolio there is a gap separating each one.
How do I set it up like the demo? If there is an explanation in the documentation, please just tell me what this is called so that I may look it up.
(B) / (C) What are these? If I know what these short codes are, I will probably be able to set them up via your helpful instructions.
I\'m terribly sorry, but I think I need a bit more of an explanation. When you say the \"Classic Editor\" does that mean the \"Text Editor\" that can be found when creating pages or posts?
If so do I insert this code (pastebin.com/eRBfXATV) anywhere within the text editor? Or is it within another shortcode?
If it is not within the text editor where can I find this Classic Editor?
Thank you again for the quick reply and the image. I believe that the image is helpful seeing how it did clear up what editor you were referring to however I am afraid I am still having some troubles. For instance, in a previous instruction you said to paste: pastebin.com/eRBfXATV into classic editor, however I do not see this code anywhere in the image you linked to in your last instruction. Therefore I am still unclear as to where I should paste that particular code.
In addition to this \"pastebin.com/eRBfXATV\" code confusion, I also am unsure where you are getting [vc_row] as indicated in the last image you sent. My editor displays a completely different set of code and I can not seem to find any shortcode that produces [vc_row].
For instance my \"Full Width Content\" code looks like the image attached.
The issue seems that you are creating the pages with the Shortcodes and not using the Visual Composer . Click on \"Page Builder\" blue button to bring it up.
You are absolutely correct, I was not using the Visual Composer. I have now reconstructed the page using the Visual Composer, but I\'m still unclear about the getting the Portfolio to view as it does in your live demo.
You gave me this code: pastebin.com/eRBfXATV to paste into the classic editor, but when I do so it just inserts a textbox showing \"pastebin.com/eRBfXATV.\"
I just tried to take the code displayed in the screen shot you sent me earlier and I typed it out in the classic editor, but when I updated my page nothing new displayed. It was as if I added nothing to the page. When I looked at it in Visual mode, the text was there, but nothing displayed on the page. So I\'m absolutely lost.
Hi, I bought your theme yesterday and I would like to set up a site fairly similar to the live demo (the box layout that starts with a video, scrolls down to some texts with icons, further scrolling reveals boxes you can click on to proceed through the website). I was wondering if there was any documentation accessible that explains how to set this up. It may be in an obvious location and I missed it. If that is the case then I apologize.
Thank you,
Hey ,
Please see user-guide http://themenectar.com/docs/salient.pdf and also see our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/ThemeNectar/videos
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks for the documentation and videos. I\'m still a little confused on how to set up the box roll effect with video as the home page.
Hey Again,
See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8iphnt .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thanks! That looks good. Just one more question.
Could you tell me the names of the shortcodes you have placed after the initial video intro on the home page of your demo? I assume it goes something like this:
1. Video: Box
2. Image with Animation
3. Full Width Section
4. Portfolio (A)
5. Milestone
6. Don\'t Know (B)
7. Full Width Section
8. Blog
9. Don\'t Know (C)
So for what I don\'t understand:
(A) If this a portfolio, how do you get all of your image links to touch and to be different sized squares or rectangles. For instance the first square link \"Custom Content: How\'s this for Exciting\" and \"Henry David Thoreau\'s Quote\" are two even squares and it is followed by a longer rectangle the size of two squares. All of them are touching and it looks great. When I set up a portfolio there is a gap separating each one.
How do I set it up like the demo? If there is an explanation in the documentation, please just tell me what this is called so that I may look it up.
(B) / (C) What are these? If I know what these short codes are, I will probably be able to set them up via your helpful instructions.
Thanks again.
Hey Again,
You can copy paste this code : pastebin.com/eRBfXATV into Classic Editor and then switch to Visual to get the codes.
ThemeNectar Support Team
I\'m terribly sorry, but I think I need a bit more of an explanation. When you say the \"Classic Editor\" does that mean the \"Text Editor\" that can be found when creating pages or posts?
If so do I insert this code (pastebin.com/eRBfXATV) anywhere within the text editor? Or is it within another shortcode?
If it is not within the text editor where can I find this Classic Editor?
This should make it clear: http://prntscr.com/8kma02 .
ThemeNectar Support Team
Thank you again for the quick reply and the image. I believe that the image is helpful seeing how it did clear up what editor you were referring to however I am afraid I am still having some troubles. For instance, in a previous instruction you said to paste: pastebin.com/eRBfXATV into classic editor, however I do not see this code anywhere in the image you linked to in your last instruction. Therefore I am still unclear as to where I should paste that particular code.
In addition to this \"pastebin.com/eRBfXATV\" code confusion, I also am unsure where you are getting [vc_row] as indicated in the last image you sent. My editor displays a completely different set of code and I can not seem to find any shortcode that produces [vc_row].
For instance my \"Full Width Content\" code looks like the image attached.
Any ideas as to what I\'m doing wrong?
Hey Again,
The issue seems that you are creating the pages with the Shortcodes and not using the Visual Composer . Click on \"Page Builder\" blue button to bring it up.
Also see our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/ThemeNectar/videos and the video on Page Builder.
ThemeNectar Support Team
You are absolutely correct, I was not using the Visual Composer. I have now reconstructed the page using the Visual Composer, but I\'m still unclear about the getting the Portfolio to view as it does in your live demo.
You gave me this code: pastebin.com/eRBfXATV to paste into the classic editor, but when I do so it just inserts a textbox showing \"pastebin.com/eRBfXATV.\"
I just tried to take the code displayed in the screen shot you sent me earlier and I typed it out in the classic editor, but when I updated my page nothing new displayed. It was as if I added nothing to the page. When I looked at it in Visual mode, the text was there, but nothing displayed on the page. So I\'m absolutely lost.
Hey ,
Please see screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8ls9xq . You need to copy paste the code on that url into the text editor and then switch to Page Builder.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Also if you have imported the dummy.xml file you will get all the dummy pages and can then edit it .
ThemeNectar Support Team