Hello, thanks for creating a fantastic theme and i'm having a good time putting a new site together!
Just wondering if its possible within the blog or portfolio project styles, to have a black and white pictures on the masonry menu images, that turn to colour on hover?? Maybe there is some custom css I can input (which is far from my strong point).
Thinking of changing what I have so far to that if possible?
Hello, thanks for creating a fantastic theme and i'm having a good time putting a new site together!
Just wondering if its possible within the blog or portfolio project styles, to have a black and white pictures on the masonry menu images, that turn to colour on hover?? Maybe there is some custom css I can input (which is far from my strong point).
Thinking of changing what I have so far to that if possible?
Thanks again,
Gary Mills
This might help, but this example doesn\'t work out of the box: