  Public Ticket #561650
Problems after updating.


  •  5
    Philipp started the conversation

    Hello my ThemeNectar friends :-)

    I am writing you because I am having some issues after I updated to the latest version yesterday (from 6.0.2 to 6.1.65):

    #1 | My portfolio filter is gone:

    Don't really know why (settings are still the same) but for some reasons the filter of my portfolio is not showing any longer.

    #2 | Scroll to anchor id is broken:

    The next problem might be related to this topic:


    Whatever I do, the anchor links from my one pager are just not working any longer.

    #3 | My footer with all it's running widgets (twitter, facebook and instagram feed) was gone:

    Even if I managed to setup everything again, it's still strange that everything was gone after the update.

    Anyone having an idea how this could have happened?

    Btw: I updated manually by uploading it through FTP.

    Thanks for your help/time,

  •   Philipp replied privately
  • jeroen replied


    #1 Use this. The filter was below the main menu.

    body .portfolio-filters-inline.non-fw.first-section {

    padding-top: 150px !important;


    #3, I\'ve had that before, including missing the menu. I believe that happens when you change the theme directory.

    PS: you know you can add titles/headings on top of the lightbox photo? you can use the image alt tag for that.

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    #1:Thank you Jeroen, you just brought my portfolio filters back! Is this a common issue with the new update or did I miss something :-) ?

    #3: Ahhh ok. So it might happened while playing around with the child-theme.

    Also thanks for the tip about the photo titles - didn\'t know that to be honest. Will definitely give it a try :-)

    So there is only issue #2 with the broken scroll to anchor problem left. Anyone any hints towards this issue :-) ?

    Thanks so far and greetings from Austria,

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Anyone :-/ ?

  •  1,100
    ThemeNectar replied

    Hey - you have a missing closing tag > on your google analyics script in the options panel, I added a work around but you need to close that :)

  •  5
    Philipp replied

    Ahhhh...don\'t know how you managed to find this cause of error but you are amazing dude :-)

    Now I am just wondering how this could have happened after the upgrade. Didn\'t change this script since I first installed the theme.

    Strange strange but at least it\'s working now again!

    Thank you very much. Guess this ticket can be closed :-)