On the homepage I am using inline css to control the text color size and spacing. But I am not sure if I am breaking the lines correctly because when I resize the browser to see how it will look on mobile, the text overlaps.
I put this code in the "Caption" section of the Nectar Slider module.
On the homepage I am using inline css to control the text color size and spacing. But I am not sure if I am breaking the lines correctly because when I resize the browser to see how it will look on mobile, the text overlaps.
I put this code in the "Caption" section of the Nectar Slider module.
Hey ,
Remove the !important in the inline css : http://prntscr.com/8x0nv3 .
Add this into the Custom CSS box located in your Salient Options panel (Make Sure there are no red cross in the Box) :
ThemeNectar Support Team
Agh Thanks!