Themes been working fine until tonight. I was on a plane, using very weak wifi, and the edit pages started to not load properly. Figuring this was all related to the wifi, I gave up. Now that I am home, all EDIT PAGE pages are broken. Developer error console are showing numerous reference errors to all the VC files.... not sure how everything got broken.
I tested deactivating various plugins to no avail. When I switch to the TwentyTwelve theme, the VC edit functions are restored and work fine. I replaced all salient files with a fresh download in the /wp-content folder, and still no fix.
Need to get this up for a client - any help you can assist with would be great.
Please make sure you have the latest theme version 6.1.65 and latest Salient VC 4.7.4 . Also be sure to use the Salient VC bundled in the theme and not the WPBakery VC .
Themes been working fine until tonight. I was on a plane, using very weak wifi, and the edit pages started to not load properly. Figuring this was all related to the wifi, I gave up. Now that I am home, all EDIT PAGE pages are broken. Developer error console are showing numerous reference errors to all the VC files.... not sure how everything got broken.
I tested deactivating various plugins to no avail. When I switch to the TwentyTwelve theme, the VC edit functions are restored and work fine. I replaced all salient files with a fresh download in the /wp-content folder, and still no fix.
Need to get this up for a client - any help you can assist with would be great.
Hey ,
Please make sure you have the latest theme version 6.1.65 and latest Salient VC 4.7.4 . Also be sure to use the Salient VC bundled in the theme and not the WPBakery VC .
ThemeNectar Support Team