  Public Ticket #602422
Search missing from Off-Canvas Menu


  • Adam started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I am using Salient v6.1.7 on WP 4.3.1

    I am currently using the Off-Canvas menu with my top-nav set to display there. However, when viewed on screens less than 1000px, the Search function is no longer accessible. Not from the header or the off-canvas menu.

    Before the off-canvas menu came about, the search function displayed in the pull-down menu. It seems as though it has completely disappeared. Is there something I'm missing? Have I configured my Salient Header settings incorrectly? Or is the Search function just not available for the Off-Canvas menu yet?

    Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.



  •  9,068
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    The Off Canvas is not available when in mobile . Though you can switch to the drop down mobile menu by turning off the Sticky Mobile Header Option in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Header Section .


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Adam replied

    Hi Tahir,

    Thank you for the timely response.

    Maybe you misunderstand... because the Off-Canvas menu is indeed available on my mobile as you can see from my attached screenshot.

    The issue is simply that there is no longer ANY Search function available on mobile if you have the Header configured to be sticky. It should be made available in the Off-Canvas for those of us wishing to have a sticky header. Perhaps you can add this very important function to the Off-Canvas in a future update? Or even just keep the Search Magnifier Icon there beside the Menu icon and upon click, the Search function displays fullscreen, as it currently does on larger screens. As a temporary workaround, I am adding a Search Widget to the Off-Canvas and styling it\'s positioning with CSS. This is not the most ideal solution as the Search Input rests hidden outside of the mobile\'s viewport.

    I have also noticed a bug when the Off-Canvas is activated in either \'Slide out from right\' or \'Fullscreen Cover\' modes. On devices less than 1000px wide, the hamburger menu does not change to a close button like it does on the larger screen sizes. Can you please fix this for a future update as it leaves the user confused as to how to collapse the Off-Canvas.

    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.



  •  9,068
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Thanks for the feedback , Will add it to the wishlist.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Tim replied

    Please add this feature! Search on the off canvas menu would be great. Also if we could adjust the text size for when the menu moves to off canvas that would be great too, as at the moment the text is HUGE!

    Thanks for all your hard work :)

  •  9,068
    Tahir replied

    Hey Guys ,

    You need to add the Search Widget to the Off canvas Widget area : http://prntscr.com/ainoo0

    As for adjusting the Offcanvas Menu text, you can already adjust it in Salient Theme Options Panel -> Typography Section . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  16
    Jen replied

    I turned off stickiness in the mobile header and the search miraculously appeared... BUT the font size of the navigation is tiny.. how can I fix that without affecting my usual nav?

  •  16
    Jen replied

    I don't seem to have the off Canvas widget area available???

  •  9,068
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    You need to enable the Off Canvas Menu in here to get the Side Widget Area : http://prntscr.com/il990p . 


    ThemeNectar Support Team