  Public Ticket #643880
Logo not showing after upgrade from 6 to 7.0.2


  • Laurent started the conversation

    The logo in the header is there in the HTML, but these CSS lines make it so that the logo doesn\'t appear:

    @media not all, only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), not all, only screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi)

    header#top #logo .default-logo {

    display: none!important;


    I\'m not sure what the media constraints mean, but I\'m on a macbook pro (retina) and the website is open full-screen.

    When I disable the display none, the logo does appear but the header topbar becomes like twice as large in height.

    I checked the site on a normal Windows laptop screen and there it\'s displaying fine.

    Kind regards,

  •   Laurent replied privately
  • Holland replied

    I\'m having a similar issue, I have a logo on my desktop, but no header logo appears on iOS devices, just a trasparent box.

  • oh1 replied

    You have to set a retina logo for mobile to show up now.

  • Laurent replied

    Ah thanks, that did it!