  Public Ticket #644000
Blog border removal


  • Chris started the conversation


    Since yesterday there is a white border around my blog items. I would like to remove this border and the border below the blog item to get them to look more like your example (http://themenectar.com/demo/salient-agency/blog-masonry-fullwidth/), but I do not know how. It would be nice if you could help me out.

    Thank you for your time,
    (The link: http://lavy-sprays.com/lavy-sprays-news/)

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied


    Try Turning off Minification in Plugin cache as its messing up the page.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Cynthia replied

    Hey, I\'m having the same problem here. I did not understand what you mean with this plugin, since I do not have anything with this name Minification... Could you please explain it better?


  • Chris replied

    I\'ve turned the Minification, both CSS and JS, of my caching plugin (WP-Rocket) off. Still not displaying correctly. Even after deactivating my caching plugin and all my other non-essential plugins (leaving only WPML and Contact form 7 activated), the white border still persists.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Cynthia replied

    Hey Chris, I installed the demo again and changed my page to the masonry-fullwidth one... The only way I found.

  • Chris replied

    Thank you Cynthia for your help.

    After importing the demo (and thus changing the salient settings), the blog items lost it\'s border without any further changes.

    Can\'t picture what the problem was, since importing my settings per salient options did no good and let the border appear again, but manually changing the settings to the ones before let me keep the borderless design.

    But I\'m happy it works now. Thanks again.