Anyone else experienced any issues with the Project Cats/Attributes pages throwing out a blank results page?
I've got multiple portfolio items tagged with both Project Category & Project Attributes, but if I fire up the page that is supposed to display all items under a certain tag e.g...
Could you provide a Page url so we can have a look. Also the zoom hover uses the Tweenmax Library so it could be a plugin conflict.
Please try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.
- zoom hover/tweenmax is used on BOTH \'Style 3\' portfolio hover effects - but only the \'alt\' style causes the glitch, so not sure if gsap is the issue
- site is local at the mo but I may be able to get a version online soon
- you guys should definitely check this out on your testing site as well though: just create a couple of portfolio items with the style = \'Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover alt\', add some attributes, then see if the /project-attributes/xxx renders the results.
- as I said, bug also occurs when trying to view portfolio items via the /project-type/xxx page
Hi alls,
Anyone else experienced any issues with the Project Cats/Attributes pages throwing out a blank results page?
I've got multiple portfolio items tagged with both Project Category & Project Attributes, but if I fire up the page that is supposed to display all items under a certain tag e.g...
...the page is completely blank except for the menu and a page title.
See attached img.
Permalinks are updated since Salient v7.0.2, and I can't even begin to think what the deal is.
Any others afflicted please step forward so we can form a leper colony and tag ourselves.
- In the Salient config list, I had my Portfolio Project Style set to : Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover alt
- Project Cat/Att pages are blank
- Changed Project style to : Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover
- Project Cat/Att pages now shows results fine
- Tested all other Project Styles and ALL work fine EXCEPT \'Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover alt\'
Possible bug needs squashy squashy?
Hey ,
Could you provide a Page url so we can have a look. Also the zoom hover uses the Tweenmax Library so it could be a plugin conflict.
Please try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.
ThemeNectar Support Team
Hey Tahir,
- already tested plugins, no conflicts
- zoom hover/tweenmax is used on BOTH \'Style 3\' portfolio hover effects - but only the \'alt\' style causes the glitch, so not sure if gsap is the issue
- site is local at the mo but I may be able to get a version online soon
- you guys should definitely check this out on your testing site as well though: just create a couple of portfolio items with the style = \'Title overlaid w/ zoom effect on hover alt\', add some attributes, then see if the /project-attributes/xxx renders the results.
- as I said, bug also occurs when trying to view portfolio items via the /project-type/xxx page
Hey ,
ThemeNectar Support Team