  Public Ticket #645939
First slide on Nectar-Slider doesn't animate


  • Atlantida started the conversation


    After upgrading from 6.1.72 to 7.0.2, the first slide on the nectar slide, when using the "Fade" transition doesn't animate. Also, sometimes, when hovering over the portfolio items on my home page, the image flickers and then, after a split second, it resumes.

    ( Video should be up in a matter of minutes. )

  •  1
    Mike replied

    I\'m having this issue as well (the \'fade\' transition not working for the first slide in the nectar slider). After that first slide, my looping slideshow works as it should — it\'s just the first one that doesn\'t work.

    Recently upgraded to 7.0.2 also.

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    We just released Salient 7.0.5 which has the VC 4.9.2 update as well which would fix all pending VC issues, See changelog : http://themenectar.com/changelogs/salient.html .

    Update the theme by following this guide: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/3218/ . Also see Visual Composer update instructions in here: https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5182/

    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  • Atlantida replied

    Sorry to say that the 7.0.5 update does not fix the current issue. It persists only for the Fade transition (Slide works fine). I have updated both Salient and Visual Composer. I have tried updating current pages and creating new ones, but no luck.

    My current settings for the Slider are (options ommited are or default or the first avaiable):

    Display Full Width? -> Checked

    Fullscreen Slider? -> Checked

    Display Arrow Navigation? -> Checked

    Parallax Slider? -> Checked

    Loop Slider?-> Checked

    Slider Transition -> Fade

    Autorotate -> 3000

    I have uploaded another video to see examples. The first 7 seconds is me refreshing the page, sorry for the low FPS, but it should be enough just to see the issue. See the difference between the first and second transition between slides.

  • Atlantida replied

    Tried all different combinations and still it doesn\'t work, even from a fresh installation.

  •  9,079
    Tahir replied

    Hey Again,

    Thanks for the feedback. We will be looking into it.


    ThemeNectar Support Team 

  •  1
    Mike replied

    Thanks Tahir, I can confirm that the cross-fade on the second slide issue still persists for me also.

    Having said that, the new interface and other improvements are fantastic. Saving changes and viewing the results in particular has improved for me quite a bit.

  • Sean replied

    I am experiencing the same jump cut issue after the initial slide. I appreciate you looking into it. I was wondering if that was tied to the slides not appearing in the Edge explorer either.