Important! Plz help! my blog pages won\'t open from my main blog (overview) page anymore!! Looks like it\'s an issue inside the theme, but I\'m unable to find out what. I\'d appreciate it if you could help me asap, as my visitors are not able to go to the blog posts right now.... Click on any of the images on my blog page to see if they open for you.
I solved this problem with the help of my host. As it was a major problem I had to find a quick solution. The problem was caused by the Theme, probably some of the custom CSS codes I was given by you for certain issues. I had to reset the site back to 2 days earlier, and loose all the designs I had done after that.....
Important! Plz help! my blog pages won\'t open from my main blog (overview) page anymore!! Looks like it\'s an issue inside the theme, but I\'m unable to find out what. I\'d appreciate it if you could help me asap, as my visitors are not able to go to the blog posts right now.... Click on any of the images on my blog page to see if they open for you.
I solved this problem with the help of my host. As it was a major problem I had to find a quick solution. The problem was caused by the Theme, probably some of the custom CSS codes I was given by you for certain issues. I had to reset the site back to 2 days earlier, and loose all the designs I had done after that.....