  Public Ticket #650763
Portfolio Display Bug


  • Corey started the conversation


    Yesterday, I logged into my CMS to check on plug-in updates and what not, updated a plug-in called Ultimate Product Catalog. Sometime after that, I went to my home page, as I was doing a check over the website, and noticed that the area where I have a Portfolio Gallery was buggy. 5/6 of the items had their images flipped horizontally. I went to the separate portfolio items, and in the featured image section, they were the same (flipped) when displayed on the CMS, but once I clicked to edit the image, they appeared correct from the Media Gallery. I also checked this in another browser. I use a Mac, so I checked Safari, and it showed up correct and as it had in the past. The browser that I noticed it on, was Google Chrome. I checked it on my iphone OS with the Chrome application, and it appeared buggy on it as well. My theme is updated properly, my version of wordpress is recent, and the only plug-in that has changed, was the Product Catalog. I have attached screenshots to show you what I'm referring to.

    My admin credentials are:

    Your Admin Username: [email protected]

    Your Admin Password: BCFE9ADq0v7c5s38bw6f4r2

    Thank you for your help!


  •  9,106
    Tahir replied

    Hey ,

    Could you please go through the steps mentioned in here https://themenectar.ticksy.com/article/5032/ .


    ThemeNectar Support Team